UI Schema

Cody Play and Cody Engine use React JSON Schema Form to render forms and views.

Views of data objects are rendered as read-only forms with a styling defined through the CSS class stateview.

React JSON Schema Form takes the Schema of a Command or Information and automatically generates a form for it including validation rules. Based on the type of the schema and its properties, different form fields are rendered. For example string|format:date results in a date input field with a date picker.

You can have a look at the documentation of React JSON Schema Form and the playground to try it out.

Customizing Look and Feel

The cody tab in the Metadata sidebar lets you define a UI Schema for commands and information. If you want to change the default behavior of React JSON Schema Form or view components provided by prooph (e.g. the TableView), you can use the UI Schema.

Command forms and data object views (Information with an object schema) work with the ui schema options provided by React JSON Schema Form.

Custom Widgets

Coming soon

Table View

Coming soon

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