
Great software incorporates logic to perform tasks without manual intervention. This can be small tasks like transforming a set of information into another structure, logical validation, and even fully automated decision-making.

With Event Modeling on prooph board you describe what information is processed by the software, and how it changes over time.

But the HOW is not only about moving data from A to B. To be able to process information, you need to express logic in a way that the software exactly knows how to do it.

In Cody Play and Cody Engine this is done in the Javascript Expression Language (short Jexl).

Expression + Context

Jexl Expressions are strings that are parsed and executed in a controlled context. Only information explicitly passed to Jexl is available within the expression. This makes it a more secure alternative to evaluating Javascript directly.

Basic Example

const context = {say: "Hello World"}

console.log(jexl.evalSync("say", context));

// > Hello World

The basic Jexl Syntax is very similar to Javascript, but it is not the same! Check out the official documentation and the playground


Jexl Expressions are supported in different JSON configurations:

  • Business Rules
  • Query Resolver Rules
  • Projections
  • UI Schema

Supported Functions

Cody Play/Engine ships with a set of preregistered functions and transforms that are available in Jexl Expressions:


The count function works with different input types:

type count = (val: object | Array | string | number | boolean) => number

count is also available as transform

Count items of an Array

const ctx = { items: ['a', 'b', 'c'] }

jexl.evalSync("count(items)", ctx);

// or using the transform variant

jexl.evalSync("items|count()", ctx);

// 3

Count keys of an Object

const ctx = { person: { name: "Jane", age: 35, country: null, married: true}}

jexl.evalSync("count(person)", ctx);

// 3

Count chars of a string

const ctx = { person: { name: "Jane", age: 35, country: null, married: true}}

jexl.evalSync("count(", ctx);

// 4

Count chars of a number

Numbers are converted to strings to also count the chars

const ctx = { person: { name: "Jane", age: 35, country: null, married: true}}

jexl.evalSync("count(person.age)", ctx);

// 2

Count booleans

Count returns 1 for true and 0 for any falsy value: false, null, undefined.

const ctx = { person: { name: "Jane", age: 35, country: null, married: true}}

jexl.evalSync("count(person.married)", ctx);

// 1
const ctx = { person: { name: "Jane", age: 35, country: null, married: true}}

jexl.evalSync("count(", ctx);

// 0


The deepMerge function is a wrapper for lodash _.merge, which provides a recursive merge mechanism for objects.


Helper function to check if a user has a specific role. If you provide an array of roles, the function returns true if the user has any of the roles.

type isRole = (
  user: User, 
  role: UserRole | UserRole[], 
  disableActiveRoleCheck?: boolean
) => boolean;

If you use the activeRole feature, the function will only check the user’s activeRole. You can disable active role check to check if any of the user roles matches.

This function is also provided as a transform. See role for usage example.


The merge function combines two values

type merge = <T extends any>(val1: T, val2: any) => T;

The type of the first input argument determines the return type. Different strategies are used to merge the two values:

Array with Array

const val1 = [1,2,3];
const val2 = [4,5,6];
const ctx = {val1, val2};

jexl.evalSync("merge(val1, val2)", ctx);

// [1,2,3,4,5,6]

Array with any other type

const val1 = [1,2,3];
const val2 = 4;
const ctx = {val1, val2};

jexl.evalSync("merge(val1, val2)", ctx);

// [1,2,3,4]

Object with Object

const val1 = {foo: "bar", subKey: {a: "b"}};
const val2 = {baz: "bat", subKey: {c: "d"}};
const ctx = {val1, val2};

jexl.evalSync("merge(val1, val2)", ctx);

// {foo: "bar", baz: "bat", subKey: {c: "d"}}

Only the first level of objects are merged. If two objects have the same key, that key is overridden by the second object key. See deepMerge for an alternative behavior.

Non object with any other type

If the first input is neither an array nor an object, merge will call the toString method on both inputs and concatenate the two strings.

const ctx = {val1: "Hello ", val2: "World"};

jexl.evalSync("merge(val1, val2)", ctx);

// Hello World


Request the next value of a sequence managed by the document store.

type nextval = (sequenceName: string) => number;

This function is only available in backend contexts and might throw an exception if used in the wrong context.


Cody Engine/Play is using UUIDs for information identifiers. While UUIDs work great technically, they are not user-friendly. For example, it is almost impossible to remember them. If workflows require humans to deal with information identifiers, you’re better off with natural identifiers or auto incremented numbers. In both cases, it is very likely that you need a sequence to ensure that no two information get the same identifier assigned.

The nextval function makes it easy to use a sequence to assign human-friendly identifiers to information. While the primary identifier is still a UUID, you can use the human-friendly version to show in the UI and use it as an alternative filter in queries.


// The Cody production-stack requires sequences to be created upfront
// In prototype mode, sequences are created automatically 
// on first nextval('your_sequence_name') call

// Example of business rule that records an Invoice Created event from a command
// and assigns an additional invoice number as a natural identfier 
// using current data + auto incremented number
const rules = [
    rule: "always",
    then: {
      record: {
        event: "Invoice Created",
        mapping: {
          "$merge": "command",
          invoiceNumber: "now()|isoDate() + nextval('invoice_number_seq')"


PageData is available in many frontend Jexl contexts, especially in UI Schema expressions.

Every Information shown on a page, is also available in the PageData registry using its namespaced name e.g. /App/MyInformation.

The pageData function takes care of the loading state of information. As long as the information is not loaded on the page, pageData returns the defaultValue (or undefined if you did not provide one).

type pageData = (pageData: PageData | undefined, name: string, defaultValue: any) => any


// pageData is provided by Cody
const [pageData] = usePageData();

// Cody always registers pageData in the context under the key "page"
const ctx = {page: pageData};

// The current page shows details of a person like firstname, lastname, ...
// The information of the person is fetched from the backend via a query.
// The namespaced name of the information is /Crm/Person
// We can savely access firstName and it will be "Unknown" as long as 
// the query is still loading (or returned an error)
const firstName = jexl.evalSync(
    `pageData(page, '/Crm/Person', {firstName: ''Unknown}).firstName`, 

pageData is also available as a transform function. See data transform for details.


Users can have additional attributes for fine-grained access control or custom information that is not part of the standard user interface.

The userAttr function is a convenient helper function to access specific attributes of a user. You can pass a default value that is returned in case the attribute is not set.

type userAttr = <T>(
    user: User, 
    attributeName: string, 
    notSetValue?: T
) => T | undefined;


const user = useUser();
const ctx = {user};

const age = jexl.evalSync(`userAttr(user, 'age', 40)`, ctx);

Same example without helper function:

const user = useUser();
const ctx = {user};

const age = jexl.evalSync(`user.attributes.age ? user.attributes.age : 40`, ctx);

Same example using the attr transform instead:

const user = useUser();
const ctx = {user};

const age = jexl.evalSync(`user|attr('age', 40)`, ctx);

Multi-Value Attributes

You might need to assign multiple values to an attribute. This is supported by Keycloak, which is the default auth service used in the Cody Engine production stack.

But be aware, that you need to take care of the attribute type yourself. A multivalued attribute is of type array if multiple values are set, but of type string if only one value is set.

To get around the type mismatch, you can force an array type by always casting the attribute value to a list.

const user = useUser();
const ctx = {user};

const hobbies = jexl.evalSync(`user|attr('hobby')|list()`, ctx);


Generate a random version 4 UUID.



// 972a00c6-0160-4ddf-aae9-ea067ce0efe3

Supported Transforms

Transforms let you chain function calls, whereby the first input of the transform is taken from the previous output.

Transforms are chained using the pipe operator |.


const person = {
  firstname: "Jane",
  laastname: "Doe"

const ctx = {person};

// Here we use two Object transforms: "set" and "pick"
jexl.evalSync(`person|set('age', 35)|pick(['firstname', 'age'])`, ctx);

// {firstname: "Jane", age: 35}


Same as userAttr, but provided as a transform.


Same as pageData, but provided as a transform. Since Cody always registers page data under the key page in a Jexl Context you can write the person example from the function description like this:

const [pageData] = usePageData();

const ctx = {page: pageData};

const firstName = jexl.evalSync(
    `page|data('/Crm/Person', {firstName: ''Unknown}).firstName`, 


Same as isRole, but provided as a transform.

In the frontend, Cody registers the current user in each context under the key user.

FE Example

// Current user, let's assume we're logged in with an "Admin" role
const user = useUser();

// Always available in frontend context (ensured by Cody)
const ctx = {user};

// Check if the user has the "Admin" role
jexl.evalSync(`user|role('Admin')`, ctx);

// true

In backend contexts like business rules, you have access to the user who triggered the action. You can access it via the meta object.

BE Example

async function handleChangeProductPrice(command: Command<ChangeProductPrice>)
    : Promsie {
  // Command metadata includes the user who triggered the command
  const meta = command.meta;
  const payload = command.payload;
  const ctx = {command: payload, meta};
  if(!await jexl.eval(`meta.user|role('Admin')`, ctx)) {
    throw new Error(`Operation not allowed!`)
  // ...


Performs a type check.

const countdown = 10;
const ctx = {countdown};

jexl.evalSync(`countdown|typeof('number')`, ctx);

// true

Array functions


Check if an array contains a specific value.

available as: function, transform

const tags = ['frontend', 'feature', 'easy'];
const ctx = {tags};

jexl.evalSync(`tags|contains('easy')`, ctx);

// true


Returns a new array that includes all values for which the filter expression returns true.

available as: function, transform

type filter = (arr: Array, expression: string, filterContext?: object) => Array;

The expression has access to the item (alias _) and the index of the item. If you need to access variables from the parent context, you have to pass them explicitly to the optional filterContext.

const colors = ['red', 'blue', 'orange', 'green', 'grey'];
const eventModelingColors = ['blue', 'organge', 'green'];
const ctx = {colors, eventModelingColors};

const filteredColors = jexl.evalSync(
    `colors|filter('emc|contains(item)', {emc: eventModelingColors})`, 

// ['blue', 'organge', 'green']


Get the first item of an array. If array is empty undefined is returned or the optional notSetValue.

available as: transform

type first = <T extends unknown>(
    arr: Array<T>, 
    notSetValue?: T
) => T | undefined;


const colors = ['red', 'blue', 'orange', 'green', 'grey'];
const emptyList = [];
const ctx = {colors, emptyList};

jexl.evalSync(`colors|first()`, ctx);

// 'red'

jexl.evalSync(`emptyList|first('Default')`, ctx);

// 'Default'


Concatenate all array items to a string using an optional separator.

available as: function, transform

type join = (arr: Array, separator?: string) => string;


const colors = ['red', 'blue', 'orange', 'green', 'grey'];
const ctx = {colors};

jexl.evalSync(`colors|join('-')`, ctx);

// "red-blue-orange-green-grey"


Cast any type to an array. If input type is already an array, it is returned as-is.

available as: transform

type list = <T extends unknown>(v: T) => T[];


const hobbies = "running";

jexl.evalSync(`hobbies|list()|push('traveling')`, {hobbies});

// ["running", "traveling"]


Get the last item of an array. If array is empty undefined is returned or the optional notSetValue if passed to last.

available as: transform

type last = <T extends unknown>(arr: Array<T>, notSetValue?: T) => T | undefined;


const colors = ['red', 'blue', 'orange', 'green', 'grey'];
const emptyList = [];
const ctx = {colors, emptyList};

jexl.evalSync(`colors|last()`, ctx);

// 'grey'

jexl.evalSync(`emptyList|last('Default')`, ctx);

// 'Default'


Invokes a mapping expression for each item and returns a new array containing all mapped items.

available as: function, transform

type map = (arr: Array, expression: string, filterContext?: object) => Array;

The expression has access to the item (alias _) and the index of the item. If you need to access variables from the parent context, you have to pass them explicitly to the optional filterContext.


const colors = ['red', 'blue', 'orange', 'green', 'grey'];
const eventModelingColors = ['blue', 'organge', 'green'];
const ctx = {colors, eventModelingColors};

// Call the "upper" string trasform for each item of the colors array, 
// if it is an event modeling color
    `colors|map('emc|contains(item) ? item|upper() : item', {emc: eventModelingColors})`, 

// ['red', 'BLUE', 'ORANGE', 'GREEN', 'grey']


Wrapper for lodash _.orderBy.

available as: transform


const users = [
  { 'user': 'fred',   'age': 48 },
  { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 34 },
  { 'user': 'fred',   'age': 40 },
  { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36 }
// Sort by `user` in ascending order and by `age` in descending order.
jexl.evalSync(`users|orderBy(['user', 'age'], ['asc', 'desc'])`, {users});
 * [
 *   { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36 }
 *   { 'user': 'barney', 'age': 34 },
 *   { 'user': 'fred',   'age': 48 },
 *   { 'user': 'fred',   'age': 40 },
 * ]


Returns a new array with the value added at the end. The input array is not modified.

available as: function, transform

type push = <T>(arr: Array<T> | unknown | undefined, val: T) => Array<T>;

If the input array is undefined, val is added to an empty array.

If the arr is not of type array, a new array is returned containing both: [arr, val].

const numbers = [1,2,3];
const ctx = {numbers};

const extendedNumbers = jexl.evalSync(`numbers|push(4)|push(5)`, ctx);

// [1,2,3,4,5]

Object-specific transforms


Get a value from an object or array. Use . to access subkeys.

available as: transform

type get = <T>(obj: object | Array<unknown>, path: string, notSetValue?: T | undefined) => T | undefined;


const person = {
  name: 'Jane',
  address: {
    street: 'Mainstreet'

const ctx = {person}

jexl.evalSync(`person|get('address.street')`, ctx);

// Mainsteet

// Pass a default value in case path is not set
jexl.evalSync(`person|get('', 'Unknown City')`, ctx);

// Unknown City


Get a list of the keys of an object.

available as: transform

type keys = <T extends object, K extends keyof T>(obj: T) => K[];


const pet = { name: "Lessy", animal: "dog", breed: "Colie" };
const ctx = {pet};

jexl.evalSync(`pet|keys()`, ctx);

// ["name", "animal", "breed"]


Extract a subset from an object into a new object. Use . to extract subkeys.

available as: transform

type pick = <T extends object>(obj: T, paths: string[]) => Partial<T>;


const pet = { name: "Lessy", animal: "dog", breed: "Colie" };
const ctx = {pet};

jexl.evalSync(`pet|pick(['name', 'breed'])`, ctx);

// { name: "Lessy", breed: "Colie" }


Set a value of an object or array path. Use . to set subkeys. If path does not exist, subkeys are created.

available as: transform

type set = <T extends object>(obj: T, path: string, value: any) => T;


const person = {name: "Jane"}

const ctx = {person}

jexl.evalSync(`person|set('address.street', 'Mainstreet')`, ctx);


// { name: 'Jane', address: { street: 'Mainstreet' } }


Delete a key of an object or array path. Use . to unset subkeys. If path does not exist, nothing happens.

available as: transform

type unset = <T extends object>(obj: T, path: string) => T;


const user = {username: 'John', locked: true};
const ctx = {user};

// or transform
jexl.evalSync(`user|unset('locked')`, ctx);


// { username: 'John' }


Get a list of the values of an object.

available as: transform

type values = <T extends object, V extends T[keyof T]>(obj: T) => V[];


const pet = { name: "Lessy", animal: "dog", breed: "Colie" };
const ctx = {pet};

jexl.evalSync(`pet|values()`, ctx);

// ["Lessy", "dog", "Colie"]

String transforms


Converts all characters of the string to lower case.

available as: transform


const msg = 'HELLO';

jexl.evalSync(`msg|lower()`, {msg});

// hello


Splits a string into parts using a separator. The default separator is “ “.

available as: transform


const path = "first.second.third";

jexl.evalSync(`path|split('.')`, {path});

// ["first", "second", "third"]


Removes whitespace from both ends of the string.

available as: transform


const msg = "   Hello    ";

jexl.evalSync(`msg|trim()`, {msg});

// "Hello"


Removes whitespace from the start of the string.

available as: transform


const msg = "   Hello    ";

jexl.evalSync(`msg|trimStart()`, {msg});

// "Hello    "


Removes whitespace from the end of the string.

available as: transform


const msg = "   Hello    ";

jexl.evalSync(`msg|trimEnd()`, {msg});

// "   Hello"


Converts all characters of the string to upper case.

available as: transform


const msg = 'hello';

jexl.evalSync(`msg|upper()`, {msg});


Type Cast Transforms


Cast a string to an integer.

available as: transform


const age = "42";

jexl.evalSync(`age|toInt()`, {age});

// 42


Cast a string to a floating point number.

available as: transform


const price = "10.99";

jexl.evalSync(`price|toFloat()`, {price});

// 10.99


Cast any type to string.

available as: transform


const price = 10.99;

jexl.evalSync(`price|toStr()`, {price});

// "10.99"


Calls JSON.stringify on a value.

available as: transform

type toJSON = (val: unknown, space?: number) => string;

If space is passed as an argument, the JSON string gets formatted using the number of spaces for indentation.


const person = {name: "Jane", age: 35};

jexl.evalsync(`person|toJSON(2)`, {person});

// '{
//   "name": "Jane",
//   "age": 35
// }'


Calls JSON.parse on a JSON string.

available as: transform


const person = '{"name": "Jane", "age": 35}'

jexl.evalSync(`person|fromJSON()`, {person});

// {name: "Jane", age: 35}


Alias for list.

Math Transforms


Calls Lodash _.round to compute number rounded to precision.

available as: transform

type round = (val: number, precision?: number) => number;

If precision is not set, val is rounded to the nearest integer.


const price = 10.93;

jexl.evalSync(`price|round()`, {price});

// 11

jexl.evalSync(`price|round(1)`, {price});

// 10.9


Calls Lodash _.ceil to compute number rounded up to precision.

available as: transform

type ceil = (val: number, precision?: number) => number;

If precision is not set, val is rounded up to next integer.


const price = 10.83;

jexl.evalSync(`price|ceil()`, {price});

// 11

jexl.evalSync(`price|ceil(1)`, {price});

// 10.9


Calls Lodash _.floor to compute number rounded down to precision.

available as: transform

type floor = (val: number, precision?: number) => number;

If precision is not set, val is rounded down to integer.


const price = 10.83;

jexl.evalSync(`price|floor()`, {price});

// 10

jexl.evalSync(`price|floor(1)`, {price});

// 10.8

Datetime functions and transforms


Constructs a new Date from current date and time.

available as: function


console.log("This docu part was written at: " + jexl.evalSync(`now()|isoDateTime()`));

// This docu part was written at: 2025-02-14T20:41:02.032Z


Constructs a new Date from given number | string | Date.

available as: transform


const docuTime = "2025-02-14T20:41:02.032Z";

jexl.evalSync(`docuTime|date()|year()`, {docuTime});

// 2025


Returns a string representing this date in the RFC 7231 format, with negative years allowed.

available as: transform


const docuTime = "2025-02-14T20:41:02.032Z";

jexl.evalSync(`docuTime|utc()`, {docuTime});

// 'Fri, 14 Feb 2025 20:51:44 GMT'


Returns a string representing this date in the date time string format using only the date part.

available as: transform


const docuTime = "2025-02-14T20:41:02.032Z";

jexl.evalSync(`docuTime|isoDate()`, {docuTime});

// '2025-02-14'


Returns a string representing this date in the date time string format using only the time part.

available as: transform


const docuTime = "2025-02-14T20:41:02.032Z";

jexl.evalSync(`docuTime|isoTime()`, {docuTime});

// 20:41:02.032Z


Returns a string representing this date in the date time string format.

available as: transform


const docuTime = "2025-02-14T20:41:02.032Z";

jexl.evalSync(`docuTime|isoDateTime()`, {docuTime});

// 2025-02-14T20:41:02.032Z


Returns a string representing the date portion of the given date according to language-specific conventions.

available as: transform


const docuTime = "2025-02-14T20:41:0.032+01:00";

jexl.evalSync(`docuTime|localDate()`, {docuTime});

// e.g. German date format:  '14.2.2025' 


Returns a string representing the time portion of the given date according to language-specific conventions.

available as: transform


const docuTime = "2025-02-14T20:41:02.032+01:00";

jexl.evalSync(`docuTime|localTime()`, {docuTime});

// e.g. German time format:  '20:41:02' 


Returns a string representing the given date according to language-specific conventions.

available as: transform


const docuTime = "2025-02-14T20:41:02.032+01:00";

jexl.evalSync(`docuTime|localDateTime()`, {docuTime});

// e.g. German time format:  '14.2.2025 20:41:02' 


Returns the year for the given date according to local time.

available as: transform


const docuTime = "2025-02-14T20:41:02.032+01:00";

jexl.evalSync(`docuTime|year()`, {docuTime});

// 2025


Returns the year for the given date according to universal time.

available as: transform


const docuTime = "2025-02-14T20:41:02.032+01:00";

jexl.evalSync(`docuTime|utcYear()`, {docuTime});

// 2025


Returns the month for the given date according to local time, as a zero-based value (where zero indicates the first month of the year).

available as: transform


const docuTime = "2025-02-14T20:41:02.032+01:00";

jexl.evalSync(`docuTime|month()`, {docuTime});

// 1


Returns the month for the given date according to universal time, as a zero-based value (where zero indicates the first month of the year).

available as: transform


const docuTime = "2025-02-14T20:41:02.032+01:00";

jexl.evalSync(`docuTime|utcMonth()`, {docuTime});

// 1


Returns the day of the month for the given date according to local time.

available as: transform


const docuTime = "2025-02-14T20:41:02.032+01:00";

jexl.evalSync(`docuTime|day()`, {docuTime});

// 14


Returns the day of the month for the given date according to universal time.

available as: transform


const docuTime = "2025-02-14T20:41:02.032+01:00";

jexl.evalSync(`docuTime|utcDay()`, {docuTime});

// 14


Returns the day of the week for the given date according to local time, where 0 represents Sunday.

available as: transform


const docuTime = "2025-02-14T20:41:02.032+01:00";

jexl.evalSync(`docuTime|weekDay()`, {docuTime});

// 5


Returns the day of the week for the given date according to universal time, where 0 represents Sunday.

available as: transform


const docuTime = "2025-02-14T20:41:02.032+01:00";

jexl.evalSync(`docuTime|utcWeekDay()`, {docuTime});

// 5


Returns the hours for the given date according to local time.

available as: transform


const docuTime = "2025-02-14T20:41:02.032+01:00";

jexl.evalSync(`docuTime|hours()`, {docuTime});

// 20


Returns the hours for the given date according to universal time.

available as: transform


const docuTime = "2025-02-14T20:41:02.032+01:00";

jexl.evalSync(`docuTime|utcHours()`, {docuTime});

// 19


Returns the minutes for the given date according to local time.

available as: transform


const docuTime = "2025-02-14T20:41:02.032+01:00";

jexl.evalSync(`docuTime|minutes()`, {docuTime});

// 41


Returns the minutes for the given date according to universal time.

available as: transform


const docuTime = "2025-02-14T20:41:02.032+01:00";

jexl.evalSync(`docuTime|utcMinutes()`, {docuTime});

// 41


Returns the seconds for the given date according to local time.

available as: transform


const docuTime = "2025-02-14T20:41:02.032+01:00";

jexl.evalSync(`docuTime|seconds()`, {docuTime});

// 2


Returns the seconds for the given date according to universal time.

available as: transform


const docuTime = "2025-02-14T20:41:02.032+01:00";

jexl.evalSync(`docuTime|utcSeconds()`, {docuTime});

// 2


Returns the milliseconds for the given date according to local time.

available as: transform


const docuTime = "2025-02-14T20:41:02.032+01:00";

jexl.evalSync(`docuTime|milliseconds()`, {docuTime});

// 32


Returns the milliseconds for the given date according to universal time.

available as: transform


const docuTime = "2025-02-14T20:41:02.032+01:00";

jexl.evalSync(`docuTime|utMilliseconds()`, {docuTime});

// 32


Returns the difference, in minutes, between the given date as evaluated in the UTC time zone, and the same date as evaluated in the local time zone.

available as: transform


const docuTime = "2025-02-14T20:41:02.032+01:00";

jexl.evalSync(`docuTime|timezoneOffset()`, {docuTime});

// Local timezone Europe/Paris: -60


Returns the number of milliseconds for the given date since the epoch, which is defined as the midnight at the beginning of January 1, 1970, UTC.

available as: transform


const docuTime = "2025-02-14T20:41:02.032+01:00";

jexl.evalSync(`docuTime|timestamp()`, {docuTime});

// 1739562062032


Adds the number of milliseconds to the given date and returns the resulting timestamp.

available as: transform


const docuTime = "2025-02-14T20:41:02.032+01:00";

jexl.evalSync(`docuTime|addMilliseconds(10)`, {docuTime});

// 1739562062042


Subtracts the number of milliseconds from the given date and returns the resulting timestamp.

available as: transform


const docuTime = "2025-02-14T20:41:02.032+01:00";

jexl.evalSync(`docuTime|subMilliseconds(10)`, {docuTime});

// 1739562062022


Adds the number of seconds to the given date and returns the resulting timestamp.

available as: transform


const docuTime = "2025-02-14T20:41:02.032+01:00";

jexl.evalSync(`docuTime|addSeconds(5)`, {docuTime});

// 1739562067032


Subtracts the number of seconds from the given date and returns the resulting timestamp.

available as: transform


const docuTime = "2025-02-14T20:41:02.032+01:00";

jexl.evalSync(`docuTime|subSeconds(5)`, {docuTime});

// 1739562057032


Adds the number of minutes to the given date and returns the resulting timestamp.

available as: transform


const docuTime = "2025-02-14T20:41:02.032+01:00";

jexl.evalSync(`docuTime|addMinutes(2)`, {docuTime});

// 1739562182032


Subtracts the number of minutes from the given date and returns the resulting timestamp.

available as: transform


const docuTime = "2025-02-14T20:41:02.032+01:00";

jexl.evalSync(`docuTime|subMinutes(2)`, {docuTime});

// 1739561942032


Adds the number of hours to the given date and returns the resulting timestamp.

available as: transform


Subtracts the number of hours from the given date and returns the resulting timestamp.

available as: transform


Adds the number of days to the given date and returns the resulting timestamp.

available as: transform


Subtracts the number of days from the given date and returns the resulting timestamp.

available as: transform


Adds the number of weeks to the given date and returns the resulting timestamp.

available as: transform


Subtracts the number of weeks from the given date and returns the resulting timestamp.

available as: transform

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